Here Are the Best Benefits of Professional Microneedling

Here Are the Best Benefits of Professional Microneedling

When it comes to acne scars, one of the most commonly requested skin care treatments we receive is Microneedling. Although it’s not as definitively effective as laser treatments, it can deliver many of the same benefits at a more affordable price point at Siti Med Spa in San Diego.

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Increase Metabolism and Energy with Vitamin B12 Injections

Increase Metabolism and Energy with Vitamin B12 Injections

Vitamin B12 is essential for your normal metabolic function and health. It’s necessary for the manufacture of red blood cells, and it plays a key role in how your body creates energy. Without sufficient levels of Vitamin B12, you’ll feel weak, lethargic, and even depressed. Low B12 levels also lead to anemia. 

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What are the Benefits of Microdermabrasion?

What are the Benefits of Microdermabrasion?

If the people in your social circles care deeply about the condition of their skin, then you’ve probably heard more than your share of praise about the benefits of microdermabrasion. We imagine you’re here because you want to know how much of it is true. 

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How Botox Works

How Botox Works

Maybe you’ve spent a little too much time in the San Diego sun without sunscreen. Or maybe you’re inspired by the flawless faces of your best girlfriends, perfect Southern California beauties with not a fine line or wrinkle in sight.  Whatever the reason, you’re curious about Botox, how it works, and whether it’s a good choice for you, right? 

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What is Total FX Laser Skin Resurfacing and What are the Benefits?

What is Total FX Laser Skin Resurfacing and What are the Benefits?

You’re beautiful, and most of the time you feel it. But sometimes your confidence wavers because of blemishes on your skin, right?  It’s hard to feel beautiful and confident when you’re afraid people are looking at the sun damage on your forehead or the wrinkles around your lips.  

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