PRP Under Eyes | Questions & Answers

No matter how healthy you are, or how much vitality you have, tired-looking eyes will tell a different story. If you’ve tried every under-eye cream available but just can’t seem to reduce the tired, aged look of your under-eye area, you may want to consider PRP under-eye treatment.
What is PRP treatment and how does it work?
PRP treatment uses the platelets in your own blood to repair and regenerate damaged tissue. It has been used for years to accelerate the healing process for wounds, to rejuvenate joints, treat urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction, and correct a wide range of cosmetic issues as well. As a cosmetic treatment PRP uses the platelets to repair and regenerate aging or damaged skin. The platelets contain growth factors, and when they’re separated from the red blood cells and injected back into the skin, they stimulate the growth of new collagen and blood vessels, which results in healthier, more youthful-looking skin.
What are the benefits of PRP under-eye treatment?
The stimulation of collagen production under the eyes gradually restores volume and tightens loose skin, filling out hollow or sunken areas and minimizing fine lines and wrinkles. PRP under-eye treatment also increases circulation, which reduces dark circles and puffiness and results in a more refreshed appearance. Other benefits of PRP under-eye treatment include:
No risk of allergic reaction or plasma rejection
Safe procedure
Quick procedure
Little to no discomfort
Minimum side effects
No downtime required
Promotes the natural production of collagen
PRP provides better anti-aging results than you can get from a topical cream and more natural results than you can get with a filler—without the risks and downtime involved with surgery.
What is the PRP under-eye treatment procedure?
First, we draw your blood and run it through a centrifuge, which separates the platelets and plasma from the red blood cells. Then, after applying a topical numbing cream, we inject the platelets into 6 or 7 strategic locations in your under-eye area with a very fine needle to minimize discomfort. The entire procedure takes about 30 minutes, so you can easily fit it in during your lunch hour.
What is the PRP treatment recovery time?
There are minimum side effects involved with PRP under-eye treatment, but those with sensitive skin may experience tiny bumps or mild itching and irritation. These should subside within a few days. Most people are able to return to their daily activities immediately after their procedure, though you may prefer to take a few hours off to rest and apply ice packs to minimize swelling. Strenuous exercise should be avoided for 24 hours, but light exercise is fine. At Siti Med Spa, your PRP practitioner will discuss the specifics of your post-procedure instructions with you.
When can I see results from PRP under-eye treatment?
It’s important to remember that PRP under-eye treatment works differently than dermal fillers. The PRP is not meant to fill in the treatment area to create volume in the immediate sense. Although the platelets do begin their work right away, it takes time for your body to build new collagen and healthy new tissue. Some people begin to see a change within a week or two but the collagen growth is gradual and it can take several months to see the full results.
How long do PRP results last?
PRP results certainly last longer than any topical treatment, but they’re not permanent. They typically last 6 to 12 months. Depending on the starting condition of your under-eye area, we may recommend that you come in for two or three more treatments following your initial procedure. These additional procedures should be spread 4-6 weeks apart. After the initial set of procedures, most people need maintenance procedures every six months to a year in order to enjoy the results for as long as possible.
Who is a good candidate for PRP under-eye treatment?
The best candidates for PRP under-eye treatments are those with fine lines, wrinkles, puffiness, or hollow spaces under the eyes. However, PRP is not recommended for patients with bleeding disorders, autoimmune diseases, or active acne.
Find out if PRP under-eye treatment at Siti Med Spa is right for you
At Siti Med Spa in San Diego, we’re proud to offer the very best in cosmetic procedures, including PRP under-eye treatments. If you’re interested in learning more about PRP therapy or any of the other services we offer, give us a call at (619) 717-8484 or stop by to schedule a consultation today.